Thursday, June 24, 2010

Exam results....

I finally got the back!!!!
But it was not what i expected
or wanted D:
Of course every good vacation has to come to an end.....
SO that means I won't be going out much
I guess....

Oh well....
Some people just think that PMR is kinda like everything in the world
So anyways.... WOOTS!!!!
I might get a new hotlink youth club number
or a digi campus thingy ma bob new number
Secretly of course
Since my family has no idea what this blog is about
I am free to post it here :D
haha.... but that of course isn't confirmed yet D:
So sorry if i don't reply ur messages
Or if u receive a random message,
Q: are those smileys or frowns???!!! XD

Nothing to do Failure boy