Saturday, March 5, 2011

A small memory i will always remember

35 years old, 2 daughters a beautiful wife that never left him. A good singing/rapping career, a caring father, a not to say very religious guy but goes to his holy place to pray, nothing could have been better. That's Cornell's life. Nothing could take anything away from. He and his wife fought but no marriage is perfect and his kids are the most precious jewels to him. Cornell was about to meet up with one of the biggest names in the music industry, Jimmy Page, a member of the all time famous Led Zeppelin. But the anxiety was just killing him, he never had an opportunity like this before, to go across the country to the beautiful Seattle.

The man from Miami just reaching for the door, but as he reaches the door, he sees his little girl by the doorstep holding a locket in her hand with a picture of her in it. Her eyes tearing up but Cornell knows that his little daughter is holding the tears back because she swore she wouldn't shed a tear anymore at her grandmother's death bed about a year ago when she was 11. Cornell knelt down and took a good look at her. He looked at her and saw her form the eyes of her mother right down to her brand new converse shoes. He knew she didn't want him to leave to Seattle and leave her. But this is what he had to do to bring back the food on the table. His daughter Rebecca was looking at him and from afar, he saw his wife, Layla and his 4 year old daughter Lizzie by the playground having fun. Rebecca couldn't quite understand why he couldn't have just stayed in Miami and continue what he had there. But Cornell took her by the hand, led her to her mom, and just before he left, he looked into her eyes, wiped the bound to be tears laying there, kissed her on the forehead and told her, 'I'm always right here in your heart and I promise I'll return and take care of you again'.

Fast forward just an hour later, Cornell was at the airport without his family because he couldn't stand watching anyone cry. He got up aboard to his airplane about to sit in his 2,000 journey. Just as he sat on the plane, he looked down and couldn't believe the sight he saw. His own Rebecca was holding a cardboard stating "I Love You Dad" by the side of her mother and her little sister. Cornell was so tempted to turn back and give them a hug again but he knew he couldn't as the plane was about to board. He couldn't sleep in the plane but he remained just looking at the locket and the picture of his daughter inside it and thought about the memories that was and will come.

The next thing he knew, Cornell was in the studio with other stars like Bon Jovi, Steven Tyler and so many more. Humbled himself and just sat in the corner to wait for his for his turn. He talked to a few of the guys there but when he went in the studio to record his new song, he realized that he couldn't hold back but to call his daughter just for her to say i love you to her again. After the phone call, filled with emotion, Jimmy Page decided that Cornell was a different emotional state and should do a rather slower song than to do a rap song and said to Cornell that music is an expression of one's feelings. Cornell thought long and hard and finally did a cover of Lonestar's I'm already there. He took about 3 months before he could publish and album of his own called My Life with My Daughter and the album was filled with the emotion of heart missing his family. After all of that it was time to go home. Back to the family he knew and loved and wanted to be with. But as he reached the airport a man gave him a letter that he didn't read till he got on the plane.

As he read the message, he broke into tears when it said his wife had been killed in a car accident and his smallest daughter had been in the hospital and is being taken care off but had serious injuries. However, no news of his other daughter Rebecca. He went to the men's room and cried out to God and asked why they had to live this way and just poured his heart out and so badly wanted to take their place but unfortunately that could not happen. He was mad and furious until he heard a gentle familiar voice and looked up a little and saw the eyes that were so dear to him and the person said to him, 'I kept my promise to grandma and didn't cry. Its time you keep yours to me'