Wednesday, November 19, 2008

For somewhatever reason

For somewhatever reason,
some people asked me to update this peice of crap 'blog'
Anyways, this is pretty weird
because I had a dream that everyone like pie.
Okay that had nothing to do with anything.
Anyways....I think I will still post some crap once in a while.
Not everyday of course but mostly
once every 2-3 days.
But I don't see the point....
Because no one ussually reads this thing.

Now I shall rub it into Weng Yan's face now at tuition.
Okay I know its the holidays but
going to tuition to rub it into Weng Yan's face is priceless.
He totally messed up.
He had to chalenge my friend
acting so 'pro'.
But he lost to the freaking noob.

Last monday I went to 1u
to watch the movie Madagascar2.
And played some counter-strike with
Jun Yee, Andrew and Shaun.
Speaking of counter-stirike
I still have Shaun's cd because he
didn't go to tuition for it!!!!

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