Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I'm sick again....
:D: mixed emotions time XD
just running through some stuff about facebook
And i saw the pic above!!! XD
its really means the truth XD
But i had to get an MC
on the day i had PJ!!!! XD
I can't believe how addicted I am towards
Facebook.... and how much I'm
trying to beat Tian Xi in fantasy football....
*Brandon really has to get a life* look....
So anyways....
This whole week so far has been awesome for me
Mainly cause I was so tired
And I all of a sudden get Fever, soarthroat, flu,
and many more sicknesses and so
I get to sleep at home without feeling guilty XD
I still can't believe I'm blogging when I'm sick....
I should be sleeping XD
And so i shall

XD maniac

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sports Day!!!

SMKDJ had an awesome sports day agree??
Haha... but before that,
here's one video that will confirm make u laugh XD
Its one of my favourite tv shows I use to love!!
Sadly, Nickelodeon canceled it out

So back to sports day!!!
It was so awesome
Cause i finally got to run in a race in SMKDJ
I'm sorry Wee Han
Why didn't u pretend to be me!!!!
Anyways the 100 meters were a blast!!!
Goal 1 accomplished!! *get top 10 in 100m
Although there were only 8 of us and
I got 7th but it still counts right?!!

Jokes i could remember!!!(told to me on that day)
Q:'What do u call a bee that can't sting?'
A:A Punja-BI!! XD
Q:Which period of time is the time where most people
were against God??
A:the 19-80's(Atheist) XD
Guy A:Who's that girl running?
Guy B:Mistika
Guy A:Her parents made a Mistake-A??

So anyways
It was a blast and even though
I told Jian and the unggulians XD
not to cheer for me....
And just cheer for asrizal
Those monkeys still did
Which made me feel paiseh at the start of the starting line...
But gave me a little lift

Clef The Boy Chin Wonder

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Not So Big Day

Its finally here isn't it??
Sports Day is here again after 1 whole year!!!
Just a few changes than than last years....
Not in marching.... In running
So to all who are running!!!
Break a leg!!! XD

Everyone who has wished me good luck
and is going to wish me good luck,
thanks and please don't
count on me to win the race!!!!
compared to others like
Jian Lin, Wee Han, Rii-Chuan,
I am freaking slow!!!

So thanks but don't count on me to do anything much!!! :D
To all the other runners!!
Even the one's I don't know,
Good luck to all!!!
Whatever team you are!!! Do your best!!
And Have Fun!!!
Going out to run now.... Bye

Usian Bolt #91184354354219

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Its Futsal Time!!!!

The sad part of this is that i missed youth today
because i had to do something else
that i didn't even wanna do :(
i'll promise that we'll finish 1 whole extra hot nando's bottle

Then after that at around 1
I went for futsal *obviously*
monkey person who booked the
place don't know how to book properly 1....
we book at 1-3
reach there see people playing say they book
from (insert time here) to 1.30
So we had to postponed it for 30 min
and we couldn't extend cause got next booking at 3....
But anyways we had a blast there
lost 3 out of the 4 matches we played
And guess what??
I FORGOT to celebrate!!!
after scoring 1 goal XD

i just tired myself out!!
must not do anything or play football until
Wednesday!!! XD
Ahhhh i'm finally not scared of 100m
cause i know i'm gonna lose....
WEE HAN!!! I'm counting on you to get 3rd!!
You fail me!!! You don't get ice-cream!!! XD

Freak from fantasy fried rice land!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010


Today.... was SO TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!
Blah blah blah,
so i brought my phone to school
whats the big deal??
I didn't go home till 10.50!

is a confirmed ok ok for me cause like last minute study
and i studied the wrong version which is worse!!!
But anyways its a good experience and i have to learn from my mistakes

After that, we went on with
the going to Han Jiang's house
we as in me and Andrew!!!!
Had a great time looking for Joshua Chu's house
And made a conclusion.....
Google maps....
Officially.... SCHUCKS!!!!!!!!!

Then we went for the Pot Bless
in Joshua's house
which looked more like a mansion than a house
Then ar....
Shin Lin ar!!!!
XD ness to the max!!!
And had a great time fellowship-ing there
And had an awesome 1 hour long
worship session led by Alycia and Elena!!!
Loosing my voice cause sang
Take it All in my bestest in yi Qian's car!!!
Too awesome
Note to self: tomorrow i still need to train 100m
And i have football in about 8 hours

Lamma lamma duck

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fell in love again

This is just a shout out to all who visited my blog since i killed it....
So anyways,
since no1 reads this,
i decided to make this my "diary kinda thing"....
Rather than write it in my school diary.....
UNTIL some1 finds out I wrote stuff here....

So this is a reminder to myself about all the stuff that i've been through :D:
Last Friday, CF Easter skit anyone??
Jeremy Ang was the father of Daniel Ong
the script was very awesome....
and it touched me to see some people actually
crying to a skit that started out funny....
So it was a skit where a deadly virus was
attacking the who World and only 1 in 5billion people have the blood to cure it
So Jeremy (kinda like God) had to sacrifice his own son
to save us all!!! WEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Awesome skit and wonderful performance :D
really touching to see afew people weeping there

CF CAMP 2010 was a blast!!!!
awesome as expected and freaking fun!!
as group leader, i did nothing!!!
wasn't really group leader since like ken-vyn in my group XD
but had a great time playing
and growing in the word of God
1st time for everything and
Thank God for making the 6 people make the decision of their lives :D
Awesomeness to the max!!!

The little boy down the street