Friday, April 9, 2010


Today.... was SO TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!
Blah blah blah,
so i brought my phone to school
whats the big deal??
I didn't go home till 10.50!

is a confirmed ok ok for me cause like last minute study
and i studied the wrong version which is worse!!!
But anyways its a good experience and i have to learn from my mistakes

After that, we went on with
the going to Han Jiang's house
we as in me and Andrew!!!!
Had a great time looking for Joshua Chu's house
And made a conclusion.....
Google maps....
Officially.... SCHUCKS!!!!!!!!!

Then we went for the Pot Bless
in Joshua's house
which looked more like a mansion than a house
Then ar....
Shin Lin ar!!!!
XD ness to the max!!!
And had a great time fellowship-ing there
And had an awesome 1 hour long
worship session led by Alycia and Elena!!!
Loosing my voice cause sang
Take it All in my bestest in yi Qian's car!!!
Too awesome
Note to self: tomorrow i still need to train 100m
And i have football in about 8 hours

Lamma lamma duck

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