Thursday, October 9, 2008

The holidays has begun...again

Yes this is the start of a brand new holiday.
Well its not really a Holiday but it feels like one.
The PMR stuff really brings out fun during this time.
Well so will the SPM stuff.
Hopefully, when I go back to school,
it would be like last year after school.
As in no teachers,
no rules, and 300% fun-factor.
Adding a 100% fun-factor because
Bryan is going and we are gonna wrestle
until we can't do it no more.
Hopefully at least 15 people come next Friday.
I am gonna play football at Grace fields.
The holidays has just begun.
But I already have 60% of my energy gone
running around my field and going to tuition.
Well you might think tuition on holidays
isn't fun but wait till you meet my teacher.
So anyways, I am gonna play football later at 6.
So I am gonna 'study' *cough *sleep*cough
now so that I can get enough rest for later.
So long......Buai.

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