Saturday, July 12, 2008

Friends or Murderers?

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Yesterday night the weirdest thing happened to me
I had this crazy dream about all my friends being
a. Some were cool spies
b.others were murderers
c.some of them were normal people
I was somehow a b. which means I am a murderer
Here are the

A's: Lucas, Bryan, Jack Black, Yu Kane

B's: Me, Alycia (I think), Krystle and some how Boon Kuan

C's: every one else

And it all started like a normal day in school

except that Lucas was shivering and Bryan wasn't trying to kill me
then suddenly,
out came a guy name Joe and told Lucas to follow him
well I sort of stalked them
and we reached the burned building

Then he told Lucas about some mambo jumbo stuff
then gave Lucas a gun
Lucas said smth to him
but I could only remember this sentence
"Dont worry boss I'll kill him for you"
(Apparently, he was hunting down Jay Chou which is going to come out later in the story)

Then out came Bryan with a sniper and aimed it at some girls head
(it looked like Alycia but I am not sure)
before he could pull the trigger someone shot the gun away from his hand
It was me Wahoo......

Before I realized it Yu Kane pulled the trigger on Krystle
But she managed to some how pull off a matrix stunt and evaded the shot
Lucas out of nowhere dashes in with his Fairlady and pulls both of them in(Bryan + Yu Kane)
After a while, Boon Kuan came in and brought me and Krystle in a Mitsubishi GTO

When we parked, and got out of the car,
The Extreme happened
All of us,( meaning A and B)
and started to take cover
Jay Chou appeared and saw us all hiding,
Group B wasted 4 bullets each trying to kill him from an impossible range

Group A protected him and this is what happened

Then only Lucas survived and the rest of them died

Finally, Jay Chou killed Lucas and


Moral: don't read this post or you'll have a bad dream like mine

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